A demo is available to show the functionality of the item search implementation. This item search features: – item index of 1,400,000 items with…
Cross-core join functionquery could use a local qf parameter for parameter dereferencing: I’m using the same cross-core join functionquery quite extensively in my use…
When you’re working with AS/400 applications that prepare the data for your Solr index, you probably want to trigger some data-import actions in your…
We continue to increase our Solr expertise while implementing user-friendly functionality by extending the existing Solr java components. We now built additional Solr query…
The Belgian subsidiary of worldwide market-leader in distribution of electrical supplies has chosen search-solutions.net to implement their new search solution for the e-commerce solution….
Search-solutions.net is getting serious about Enterprise Search Technology: After using and integrating Lucene / Solr for 5+ years, this week, an inspiring teacher learned…